
This campaign isn’t about left vs. right or republican vs. democrat—it’s about standing up for the working class people of Kentucky! Democracy is more than casting your vote in an election. It is about participating in your community. Freedom is not something that is won but an idea that must continuously be fought for.

As Rumi said, “If everything around seems dark, look again; you may be the light.” Let’s be that light for Kentucky!


  • KY Teachers & Public Schools

  • Universal Pre-K

  • Diversity

  • Reproductive Freedom

  • LGBT+ Rights

  • Affordable Housing

  • Affordable Medicine

  • Legalizing Cannabis


  • HB 500: removing worker’s rights to lunches and overtime pay

  • HB 5: Criminalizing homelessness

  • HB 367: Removing 588,000 from SNAP benefits

  • HB 255: reversing child labor laws

  • HB 1: removes tax exemption on diapers increasing cost

Join the Campaign!